Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What I Have Discovered O_o

Upon listening to the song "Blow" by Ke$ha, I found a rather alarming message within the lyrics.

Ke$ha plans to kill everyone.

In the song, she sneaks into a club with members of her cult, initiates a few more members into said cult, and then takes over the club, informing everyone inside that they aren't getting out and the club is about to explode.
She then taunts the scared hostages with the phrase, "We get what we want. We do what you don't."
Once again, she repeats that the club is about to burst in an explosion of fire and glitter.
She then proceeds to rob all of the hostages, activate her sleeper cell cult members, and mock everyone there by raining a sparkling shower of glitter upon them.
She then is attemped to be overthrown by a man names 'James Vanderdoe' and they have a rather intresting conversation before Ke$ha shoots him with a rainbow laser.

It is not only in this song that we realize Ke$ha's depraved thinkings.
In the music video 'Stephan' Ke$ha ties up and stashes away in a cupbord a poor guy that she just met and has decided she loves.
Ke$ha will not stop until she has achived what she came into the music inderstary for.
World. Music. Domination.
And she will stop at nothing to become the worlds greatest artist.
Beware of her.
She is AWESOME ^~^
(Sorry about the not very Msp-y post :D)
This is her, BEWARE O_o

Monday, 29 October 2012

New Updates ^o^

Okay, what is going on??? i really enjoyed posting on the forums until THIS happened!! look at the state of them now!!!!

Don't like it at ALL, and naturally people would want to have a rant about them, and Msp says THIS

I DO like this though, it's a new entrence for level 0s, make a new account and have a look!!
EG xx

Sunday, 28 October 2012


Then we have people like 'Sugarkitten <3' Who are just scary O_o
properprincess (She started the 'scary mask' thing ^~^
Me (Ellieglitter)
Don't quite know WHAT Drake was thinking O_o
Bumble Bee, She ALWAYS looks pretty, even on halloween!! XDD

Just Helping Out.... ^o^

Okay, a lot of my friends have blogs and they have WAY more followers than me Grrr
But there my friends so i will put there blogs here.....
My BFFs blogs
MissM's Blog (My Awesome BFF)
properprincess's blog (My OTHER Awesome BFF)
Nat's blog (Bff once again! ~I love her~)
Drake's Blog (My Bacon Buddy ^~^)

Lol, that's all of them

Monday, 22 October 2012

Lookie At This!!

This was so long ago :o

Oh the days where MissM was on the first page....
Please help Missy get back up, shes my BFF and i <3 her D':
Also, Ishacool was only lvl 20!! OMG :O
Also, this was BEFORE i 'offended' her, AKA - I asked her if she had a blog and she started screaming at me :L

Also, i was spying on Ishacool and Pandypolo haha

Wanted to see if they said anything exiting
But nope, they were just having an ordinary convo, level 25's are just like the rest of us you know!!! :D

Monday, 8 October 2012

Msp Wont Load D:

My Msp wont load!!

Oh wait, it's loaded now
What was that abaout.... :D